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Public Comment on LEED-ND Opens Today, May 1

CNU calls on new urbanists to review and comment on the latest draft of the rating system.

As the LEED for Neighborhood Development rating system approaches completion, the partners are opening it up for a second public comment period. This comment period follows on the heals of an intense editing process in response to over 5,000 comments received during the first public comment period earlier this year. The prerequisites and credits available for comment will be limited to those that have been significantly updated based on the advice of the public and the experience from the pilot projects.

"New urbanists voiced their support as well as their concern on specific components of the rating system during the first public comment period. We have revised significant portions of the rating system where possible and we now ask new urbanists to review this work and support the gains made" stated Doug Farr, CNU Board member and LEED-ND Core Committee Member.

Check out the latest draft and comment here

The second public comment period opens today, May 1, 2009 and closes June 14, 2009. Later this summer, the final rating system will be balloted by CNU members and is predicted to launch in early Fall. For more details about recent changes to the rating system, check CNU's LEED-ND initiative page. In addition to the latest draft, pilot projects, and information on how to comment, the website highlights specific credits and explains a bit of their evolution.

"CNU is a relatively small organization of skilled designers and community builders; that is why it is so important for members to comment and make sure their voices are heard," explained CNU President and CEO John Norquist. "Incorporating the knowledge and experience of our members who are designing and developing complete neighborhoods is vital to the success of LEED-ND."

Comments may be submitted at the US Green Building Council website until 11:59 PST on June 14, 2009. After a simple sign-in, members of the public can comment on the specific prerequisites and credits that were revised.

CNU has partnered with U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) to create LEED for Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND), a rating system to assess green neighborhood design.

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Congress for the New Urbanism
140 S. Dearborn St., Ste. 404
Chicago, IL 60603, USA
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