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CNU 17


Register Now for CNU 17!

June 10-14, 2009, in Denver, Colorado

Registration for this year's Congress for the New Urbanism is now open. Taking place June 10-14 in Denver, Colorado, the event promises to be larger than ever before—and you won't want to miss out!

As economic stimulus begins to move through the economy, the outlines of recovery are emerging. The quest for energy efficiency, the dramatic growth in small households and the yearning for neighborhood connections and freedom from endless automobile use will help determine where and how fast communities recover. Learn about the opportunities that await you in this reurbanization of America at the premier gathering for urbanist education, collaboration and networking.

We encourage all attendees to stay at the Sheraton Denver Hotel. Not only does it save you money on the published rate but it also support the Congress for the New Urbanism by giving us the bargaining power to negotiate better terms, which results in keeping the registration fees reasonable.


Expand, Explore, and Engage

With More Opportunites than Ever to Learn to Put New Urbanism to Use for You, CNU Has Three Ways to Help You Get the Most Out of the CNU 17 Program


CNU 17 offers outstanding opportunities to expand the current thinking on New Urbanism, as well as expand your understanding of its principles. That includes Janette Sadik-Khan, Elinor Bacon, Victor Dover and other top speakers, as well as more than 50 breakout sessions on topics ranging from solutions for a green recovery to recycling the suburbs. New Urbanism 101 provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the fundamentals of New Urbanism, while New Urbanism 202s are geared towards advanced professionals who must discover the "hows" of urban design and development to top the competition. From form-based codes to transit-oriented development, how does New Urbanism provide essential tools for spurring a green recovery? What architectural design methods bring the most long-term value to urban areas? For the first time in years, architectural masters and brothers Léon and Rob Krier will share their expertise together in a New Urbanism 202.

Partner events, led by some of CNU's trusted allies, will allow a chance to interact with professionals on a number of fronts to explore real-world applications of New Urbanism. Learn what works and what does not from organizations such as Philips, Duany Plater Zyberk & Company (DPZ), the Form Based Codes Institute, the National Charrette Institute, and Farr Associates.

Get to know Denver and see New Urbanism in practice throughout our host city. CNU 17's innovative Experiences will offer attendees an unprecedented opportunity to immerse themselves in communities directly shaped by the New Urbanism. Join fellow Congress attendees at Highlands Garden Village or Stapleton to explore these places and evaluate what New Urbanism has achieved. Learn by interacting with the very people who shaped the areas, from planners to neighborhood leaders. An impressive series of Guided Tours are also offered to see New Urbanism in Denver and the region.

CNU 17 offers plenty of opportunities to connect, debate and share with fellow attendees. Do you have a topic that you are passionate about and would like to discuss? Meet with fellow Congress attendees and get your creative juices flowing in the daily Open Source Congress. Also, stay ahead of the pack and get all the updates on the latest CNU initiatives that tackle challenges facing New Urbanism in our Initiative Lunches on Friday. Close out the experience with a nice game of baseball as the Colorado Rockies take on the Seattle Mariners Sunday afternoon.


CNU 17 You-Tube Video Contest

The Congress for the New Urbanism is sponsoring an exciting video contest for aspiring video directors and urban designers. The challenge is to create an original three-minute maximum video that illustrates how the principles of New Urbanism -- density, design, and walkability -- can effectively respond to current environmental challenges that we face.

The winning video will be highlighted as part of the CNU 17 opening session and will be featured on the CNU website. The winning video will also receive one complimentary 4-day conference registration. All videos will be shown in a loop in the exhibit hall during CNU 17 so they can viewed by all congress attendees.

The submission deadline is April 24, 2009, so get out those cameras! Click here for more details.


Time Magazine: Recycling Suburbia Is #2 "Idea Changing the World Right Now"

TIME Magazine recently released its list of the 10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now, highlighting some of the progressive ideas reshaping the face of our global economy. Coming in at #2 is Recycling the Suburbs, a topic on which CNU has been leading for nearly a decade, providing sprawl communities viable alternatives to dying shopping malls, slumping business parks, and other isolated automobile-dependent uses.

Under the aegis of Ellen Dunham-Jones, CNU Board Member and co-author of a new book titled Retrofitting Suburbia, CNU 17 will have a whole track of sessions on retrofitting strategies and opportunities. “All of these projects are developer-driven, because the market wants them," Dunham-Jones told TIME. With co-author June Williamson, she will be featured at CNU 17 in a session showcasing cutting-edge case studies and an interactive discussion about larger strategies for retrofitting the underlying systems of sprawl itself.

CNU has been a driving force in the push for suburban retrofits, beginning with its 3-part series on converting malls to mixed-use centers.

Reconnecting America's Shelley Poticha, another CNU 17 speaker, was also featured as an expert on another idea that TIME says is changing the world: putting interstate highways to better use as corridors for rail and efficient transmission of electricity.


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Congress for the New Urbanism
140 S. Dearborn St., Ste. 404
Chicago, IL 60603, USA
TEL 312.551.7300
FAX 312.346.3323