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CNU 17


Register Now for CNU 17!

Get a Head Start on the Recovery — and on Early Registration Savings Before the May 8th Deadline

If you haven't registered yet for CNU 17, now is the time to click the button below. The early registration deadline is just three weeks away—and you won’t want to miss the opportunity to get more New Urbanism for less.


Taking place June 10-14 in Denver, Colorado, the 17th Congress for the New Urbanism is built to deliver more of New Urbanism's advantage at a time when you need it most—learn how to make communities more walkable, more energy efficient, and more livable just as demographic and cultural changes swing demand in our direction.

The CNU 17 program offers networking opportunities galore and a full slate of sessions on topics carefully selected for their value, relevance, and timeliness. In addition to the plenary sessions, partner events, and social networking opportunities, the Congress for the New Urbanism is pleased to feature the following:

50 Breakout Sessions

CNU 17 will be organized around several tracks, with concurrent sessions that make up the heart of the programming on Friday and Saturday. From the best traditions and techniques of urban design to cutting-edge urban transportation, green design, and mixed-use development innovations, breakout offerings include sessions for first-time attendees and seasoned new urbanists alike, allowing you to create an agenda that suits you.

199 Speakers

World leaders from urban design, planning, development, and marketing will gather in Denver to share insights to help make you more successful at what you do. Come to CNU 17 and exchange ideas with leaders such as Victor Dover, Mayor John Hickenlooper, Lizz Plater-Zyberk, Doug Farr, Andrés Duany, Elinor Bacon, Nick Donohue, Peter Calthorpe, John Norquist, Léon and Rob Krier, Robin Rather, Hank Dittmar, Marianne Cusato, Larry Beasley, and Steve Mouzon.

12 New Urbanism 202s

Geared towards the advancing professional, these in-depth specialized seminars are led by experts in the industry. Learn how form-based codes have proven to be highly successful tools for implementing sustainability goals within a community. Hear from the authors of the widely acclaimed book Retrofitting Suburbia, whose plans for transforming dying shopping malls have recently been featured in magazines such as Time and Newsweek.

25 Tours and Experiences

CNU 17 will offer optional guided tours of Denver and nearby Colorado communities renowned for their architecture and urban design. In an unprecedented opportunity, CNU 17’s “Experiences” will take you beyond the brick and mortar of architecture and allow you to explore Colorado’s exemplary New Urbanist developments with the people who live and work there. How well does this New Urbanism live up to the Charter—and why or why not? How much do the green benefits and convenience make a difference in the lives of residents? What can we learn from those who not only built these places, but those who choose to live, work, and play there?


CNU 17 YouTube Video Contest

Deadline drawing near!

You still have time to take your shot at getting your video played before large audiences at CNU 17—along with a shot at free registration—but not much time. The deadline for entering CNU 17's YouTube Video Contest is just two weeks away. Submit an original three-minute maximum video that illustrates how the principles of New Urbanism—density, design, and walkability—can make life better (and if you like, funnier) while helping us respond to environmental challenges that we face.

The winning video will be highlighted as part of the CNU 17 opening session and will be featured on the CNU website. Its creator will also receive one complimentary 4-day conference registration. All videos will be shown in a loop in the exhibit hall during CNU 17 so all congress attendees can view them.

The submission deadline is next Friday, April 24, 2009. So get out those cameras! Click here for more details.


Come Back Green with CNU 17

CNU 17 focuses on suburban retrofits, green recovery, and coding for the community

This year, CNU's sessions and networking opportunities will provide attendees with the tools needed to overcome tough conditions. Briefings and interactive discussions will help to demystify complicated federal stimulus guidelines and explore ways for attendees to use New Urbanism to their advantage and come back strong—economically, environmentally, and socially.

There are whole tracks of sessions on topics that will give you this much needed edge, such as suburban retrofits, green recovery, and coding for the community, through which new urbanists will help rewrite expectations for development in this country, teaching everyone from elected officials and developers to everyday residents to expect more—more convenience, more energy savings, more return on investment—from their communities.


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Congress for the New Urbanism
140 S. Dearborn St., Ste. 404
Chicago, IL 60603, USA
TEL 312.551.7300
FAX 312.346.3323