AIA Credits Approved
Final Credit Sheet Released
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The 18th Congress for the New Urbanism strives to be a productive and educational experience. One, where through the interaction of colleagues and experts, the New Urbanist community can grow stronger and more effective. CNU shares the American Institute of Architect's commitment to continuing education and the conference provides advance lectures and presentations on the latest innovations in the field as with the Working Initiatives. Indeed, this conference aims to produce and debate the latest developments in architecture, urban planning, zoning codes and sustainable design.The Congress for the New Urbanism strives to provide valued opportunities for AIA members to maximize their professional skills through effective learning experiences.
The Congress will feature 50 sessions and 18 guided tours that qualify for AIA credits along with a host of ally and partner events that complement the CNU’s mission. Credits are based upon instruction time. Thus, Working Initiatives and New Urbanism 202’s which are 3 hours in duration will receive 3 credits. Breakout sessions running 1 hour and 15 minutes receive 1.25 credits. Guided tours have been determined on an individual basis.
Whenever attending a session be sure to sign on the provided Form B available at each workshop. Signing in is critical for it is necessary to receive credit, so don't forget. The volunteer coordinator will collect the sheets at the conclusion of the session and CNU will submit them to AIA shortly after the conference.
For all our planners, AICP credits have also been approved for the sessions.