Join CNU!Be a Part of the Movement»»» New Urbanism: It Just Performs Better
New Urbanism is lighter on the pocketbook, more efficient with tax dollars, safer for pedestrians, bikers and drivers, easier on the environment and is a healthier way to live. It just performs better.
New Urbanism Uses Less Energy... |
and Energizes Communities |
Introducing the high-performance, energy-saving neighborhood. When cities are designed so walking, biking and taking transit are convenient ways to take care of daily needs, we all use less energy. New Urbanism saves money and brings energy to public spaces and local economies.
New Urbanism Builds More Value... |
by Valuing the Spaces Around You |
Introducing the high-performance, value-creating neighborhood. In contrast to the wide roads and vast parking lots of sprawl, New Urbanism brings people, goods and services together with welcoming sidewalks and public spaces. This makes places more pleasant and generates a premium in the marketplace.
New Urbanism is more Efficient With Tax Dollars... |
and Improves Public Services and Safety |
Introducing the high-performance, resource-efficient neighborhood. New Urbanism promotes compact neighborhoods and a well-connected transportation network, which reduces infrastructure costs and has been shown to improve response times for emergency responders.
New Urbanism Makes Streets More Inviting... |
and Safer for Everyone |
Introducing the high-performance, attractive and safer neighborhood. A well-connected transportation network with narrower streets and attractive sidewalks slows traffic, making streets safer for vehicles, bikers and pedestrians alike. Attractive, mixed-use development puts more eyes on the street, increasing public safety, and simply makes cities more pleasant.
New Urbanism Conveniently Greens... |
Your Daily Routine |
Introducing the high-performance, inherently greener neighborhood. New Urbanism promotes a greener lifestyle by encouraging fewer and shorter car trips and more efficient building designs. Improvements to both buildings and our transportation network can significantly reduce emissions per person, making cities truly more efficient.
New Urbanism is Healthier... |
by Being More Pedestrian- and Bicycle-Friendly |
Introducing the high-performance, healthier, foot- and cycle-friendly neighborhood. Rising health care and obesity are major challenges in the United States. By making it easier for trips to be taken on foot or by bicycle for daily needs, New Urbanism ensures healthier cities for all.