AICP Credits Confirmed!
50 Sessions and 18 Guided Tours
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The 18th Congress for the New Urbanism will be an active, learning experience with almost a hundred sessions and guided tours that are both educational and stimulating. Indeed, CNU 18 is striving to be as interactive and productive as possible through interactive forums like Working Initiatives. The goal is to amass a wealth of knowledge through collaboration to further develop and implement the ideas of New Urbanism.
Congress for the New Urbanism is a registered Continued Maintenance provider. With Congress for the New Urbanism being on the cutting edge of urban design, CNU 18 will showcase the latest innovation and development in the fields of urban planning, sustainability and the built environment. Understanding the necessity of continued education, CNU 18 has applied for and has now received AICP approval for 50 sessions and all 18 guided tours!
Credits are based upon instruction time. Thus, Working Initiatives and New Urbanism 202’s which are 3 hours in duration will receive 3 credits. Breakout sessions running 1 hour and 15 minutes receive 1.25 credits. Guided tours have been determined on an individual basis. You can find an up to date list for credit counts here.
Finally, for all our architects, please stay tuned for information on AIA credits for they are being updated as they are approved. Check back to the sessions list page for more updates.