Registration Open for November "Venice Charter Revisted" Conference
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Registration is now open for INTBAU's "The Venice Charter Revisted" conference, to be held in Venice, Italy, from November 2-5, 2006.
INTBAU's 2006 conference will examine philosophies of conservation, scrutinise the Venice Charter in the context of its times, and hear case studies of the Charter as it has been applied in the 42 years since its adoption.
The event brings together speakers on conservation from around the world, including: Professor A. G. K. Menon, India (author of the INTACH Charter for the Conservation of Unprotected Architectual Heritage and Sites in India); Professor Paolo Marconi, Italy; Prof. W. Brown Morton III, USA (co-author of the Secretary for the Interior's Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings); Robert Adam, UK (architect and chair of INTBAU); Amund Sinding-Larsen, (President, ICOMOS Norway); Steven Bee (Director of Planning & Development, English Heritage); Eusebio Leal Spengler (Historiador of La Habana, Cuba); and many others.
The venue is the Teatro Piccolo Arsenale, one of the great historic warehouses of the Venetian navy, now converted to a theatre. The special earlybird conference fee of £199 (before September 30) includes the opening reception, morning and afternoon tea and lunch for three days.
Please visit for links to the programme, hotels, and the registration and payment form.
The International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture &
Urbanism (INTBAU) is a rapidly-growing international charity that supports research and education in, and understanding of, traditional building, architecture and urbanism.