Represent New Urbanists at Greenbuild 2006, Nov. 15-17, 2006 in Denver
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Green building has become a major force in building and construction. It's fast becoming recognized as the standard for smart construction.
The Greenbuild International Conference & Expo brings the industry together under one roof. Three days of extensive educational programming, workshops, a vast exhibition floor and ample networking events give you unrivaled opportunities to learn about the latest innovations, exchange ideas and develop new business relationships.
Learn about the leading edge of the building and construction industry, including the latest updates and expansions of the LEED Green Building Rating System.
If you or someone you know is presenting at a session, please email Payton Chung at CNU will send out a list of these member sessions and sessions related to New Urbanism in our October e-Update.
If you are attending and are available on Tue., Wed. or Thur., please consider volunteering to introduce green building professionals to New Urbanism at the CNU booth. Contact Payton Chung at for more information.