Upcoming Training Opportunities from the National Charrette Institute
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The National Charrette Institute (NCI) is hosting several training workshops this fall. Current CNU members can receive a 10% discount on NCI registration fees when they send their registration via mail with a copy of their valid CNU membership card.
Introduction to NCI Dynamic Planning: The Charrette in Context
Module One of the NCI Charrette Planner® Certificate Program
NCI Dynamic Planning is a comprehensive project management process that begins with the project vision and ends with the plan's implementation. It includes the use of collaborative design and public involvement tools, such as charrettes, visioning, and workshops. For more information and registration: http://charretteinstitute.org/programs.html
October 17, 2006
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Oakland, Calif.
NCI Charrette Planner® and NCI Advanced Charrette Manager™ Certificate Trainings
Learn how to prepare, orchestrate, and manage charrettes with NCI's certificate courses this fall. The new Advanced Charrette Manager™ training is designed to equip the professional with the necessary tools for managing large charrettes by studying the most challenging aspects of the multiple-day charrette. For more information and registration: http://charretteinstitute.org/programs.html
November 6-10, 2006
Portland, Ore.