Smart Growth and Schools Summit
February 19-20, 2007, Montgomery, AL
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Why Attend a Conference on Smart Growth & Schools?
The answer is simple. Studies show that when schools are designed and located using smart growth principles, they result in:
-- Higher student grades and scores
-- Lower student drop-out and disciplinary problems
-- Increased student health benefits
-- Decreased school costs
-- Increased community-wide involvement
Interested in learning the how and why?
Then make plans to join us for the first ever Smart Growth & Schools Summit—a gathering of local, state, and national experts in a unique format designed to encourage the exchange of ideas on this critically important topic.
For more information and to register, please visit or call (850) 231.2421 for more information.
Sponsored by ALFA Insurance.
Presented by The Seaside Institute and Faulkner University Jones School of Law in partnership with Envision 2020.