Explore Transportation Reform at CNU XV!
Check out sessions, tours, and presentations on street design and transportation planning
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Tired of transportation planning practices that degrade communities rather than enhance them? CNU has packed this year's Congress in Philadelphia with a variety of opportunities to learn about context-sensitive street design and holistic transportation planning. Join us to learn how New Urbanists are creating complete streets and transit-oriented design and making such planning legal!
Short Sessions
Looking for a concise exploration of New Urbanist-style transportation reform? On Friday May 18th, check out the 11 a.m. to 12:l5 p.m. session on highway teardowns, explaining the mobility and capacity aspects of removing elevated freeways in urban areas and how cities like Trenton and Seoul, Korea have successfully redistributed traffic onto an existing grid. Catch the latest discussion about Seattle's hotly-debated Alaskan Way Viaduct project. The session will also cover the teardown of NJ 29 along the Delaware River soon to become a boulevard with downtown market-rate housing. In the afternoon, head to the 2:15 to 3:30 p.m. session Beyond the Blue: What's Next for CNU, ITE and the Project for Transportation Reform? for updates on implementing the ITE manual with Urbsworks President Marcy McInelly, engineering professor Norman Garrick of University of Connecticut, ITE professional Lisa Fontana Tierney, and planner Ellen Greensberg.
On Saturday, consider the one-hour morning session from 9:15 to 10:30 titled Building Narrow Streets While Accommodating Timely Emergency Response given by walkability guru Dan Burden of Glatting Jackson. End the morning by attending the 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. session titled Multiway Boulevards: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow led by Rick Hall of Hall Engineering as well as design professionals Elizabeth Macdonald and Allan B. Jacobs, authors of The Boulevard Book: History, Evolution, Design of Multiway Boulevards.
NU 202s
For an in-depth look at specific transportation issues, sign up for NU 202 sessions. Register for the 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Thursday morning NU 202 session Putting Traffic in its Place: Using the new CNU/ITE Manual where you will hear presentations addressing capacity and mobility issues from experts at Glatting Jackson, University of Connectict, Texas A&M, and New Jersey and Pennsylvania DOTs. This session discusses the new transportation manual produced by ITE and CNU that is changing street design policies nationwide. Follow up by attending the 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. afternoon NU 202 session Multiway Boulevards to learn about designing complete streets with street design experts Elizabeth Macdonald, Allan B. Jacobs, and Yodan Rofe.
Many of CNU XV's tours highlight transportation planning and design, showcasing some of the oldest streets in the U.S. and successful transporation innovations in a complex old-city environment. The Thursday Girard Avenue Trolly Corridor Revitalization tour (1-4pm) offers a ride on the rebuilt Route 15 trolley through a transit-oriented stretch of the city. Or sign up for Friday morning tours with your choice of strolling the Benjamin Franklin parkway or walking Center City's skinny streets and tiny city blocks en route to an Italian Market area.
Working Lunch + Networking
End the weekend by getting active on transportation reform—attend the transportation reform gathering over lunch on Saturday May 19th . At the luncheon, get plugged in to new initiatives working to standardize the multiway boulevard, reform emergency responders standards, and advance the new ITE/CNU manual while hearing from initiative leaders Norman Garrick of University of Connecticut and Marcy McInelly of Urbsworks, Inc. Register for CNU XV today!