Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott to Grace CNU XV
Come hear Mr. Prescott discuss cities and sustainability
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The Congress for the New Urbanism is pleased to announce that Rt. Hon. John Prescott MP will be addressing the Fifteenth Congress for the New Urbanism in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Saturday May 19. Mr. Prescott will speak at the Saturday Evening Plenary along with other distinguished advocates for the urban form and urban planning principles. Mr. Prescott will discuss chiefly how sustainable cities will play an integral role in facing climate change in the context of a global economy.
The Deputy Prime Minister's participation at CNU XV will continue a tradition of productive dialogue with CNU members. Mr. Prescott has spoken at two previous Congresses, focusing on his support for sustainability, Brownfield development, and affordable housing throughout the United Kingdom and worldwide. After years as a tireless labor advocate, Mr. Prescott was appointed Deputy Prime Minister in the 1997 General Election. He has been an influential figure across a wide range of domestic policy initiatives, especially in the formation of the role of the Kyoto Treaty agenda in the UK. Mr. Prescott is sure to leave the audience at CNU XV with new ideas on citywide sustainability from a perspective outside of traditional domestic policy within the United States that speak to the role of sustainable cities both here and abroad.