Austin Demographics
Get to Know the Host City
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National Geographic Traveler magazine dubs Austin as the "Best Little City in America," noting that "Austin is not just the capital of Texas, but also a place where misfits fit and creativity is unbridled." Austin has a highly educated, relatively young, affluent and diverse population.
Currently home to 1.5 million people, Austin has seen a consistent 3.5% growth rate for the last 100 years. The Austin MSA includes a five county area and was the 5th fastest growing urban area in the nation over the last decade. The city of Austin itself was the fastest growing city in the U.S. (behind only Las Vegas) between 1990-2000. With our population doubling every twenty years, many Austinites and City Council have gravitated toward New Urbanism as a development model to maintain our sense of culture and livability.
The Austin population is highly educated with 38% of residents holding a university degree (compared to 23% nationally). Austin was listed second by’s "Smartest Cities" for 2006. Thanks in part to the University of Texas at Austin, the nation’s fifth largest university. The Austin area also enjoys a strong per capita income that exceeds $31,000.
Known as the "Live Music Capital of the World," a "High-tech Hotspot" and a cultural destination, Austin also ranks high for both families and singles. Money magazine ranked Austin second among the 10 best places to live.
The Central Texas Region is multi-ethnic with a sizable and growing minority population, chiefly Hispanic American. Historically and presently, the area has strong ties to Mexico. There is also a small but rapidly growing Asian population. Fully 25% of foreign born residents are of Asian descent.
For more information on Austin demographics and growth statistics: