Henry Cisneros to Kick Off CNU XVI
As an urbanist pioneer since the early 1980s, Henry Cisneros had propelled New Urbanism into the national spotlight. He will be a keynote speaker at CNU XVI in Austin.
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Speaking at 2008's CNU XVI, Henry Cisneros, one of the original signatories of the CNU’s Charter, is Chairman of the CityView companies, community-building firms dedicated to producing workforce homes in America’s cities. CityView’s mission parallels his priorities while Secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the mid 1990s.
During his tenure at HUD, Mr. Cisneros was committed to providing safe and affordable housing. He is credited with initiating the revitalization of many of the nation’s public housing developments via the Hope VI program. Hope VI was New Urbanist at its core and was integral in transforming isolated public housing superblocks into more traditional, mixed income neighborhoods.
In 1981, Mr. Cisneros became the first Hispanic-American mayor of a major U.S. city, San Antonio, Texas. During his four terms in office, he helped rebuild the city’s economic base and spurred the creation of jobs through massive infrastructure and improvements to the city’s core.
He has also has been the author, editor or collaborator of several urbanist books, including: Interwoven Destinies: Cities and the Nation; Opportunity and Progress: A Bipartisan Platform for National Housing Policy; and Casa y Comunidad: Latino Home and Neighborhood Design.