CNU June 2008 e-Update
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Dear [Firstname], If you have an item for a future e-Update, please email Lee Crandell. If you have further questions about CNU activities, please contact our office at or 312-551-7300. To renew your membership or join a chapter, check your membership status, or read an archive of past e-Updates, please log on to You have received this email either because you are a member of CNU or you requested to be added to our email list. To remove your email address from future CNU e-Updates, please reply to with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. 1. CNU Video Shows How Walkable Urbanism Can Reduce Driving and Slash Carbon Emissions Like switching out all of your light bulbs thirty five times As we act to protect the planet from climate change (and give ourselves a break from high gas prices) one of the best remedies will be found right out our front doors. Our neighborhoods. That’s the message of a new video posted to the – the new web hub for the Congress for the New Urbanism’s efforts to reduce climate change and oil dependency through sustainable development. 2. CNU Emergency Response & Street Design Initiative Receives Funding CNU is pleased to announce that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency grant funding the Congress for the New Urbanism's Emergency Response & Street Design Initiative has been officially awarded. CNU was awarded $150,000 for the first year, with the potential for additional EPA grant funds over four more years. Work on this project is well under way. We brought two-dozen fire marshals, traffic engineers, architects and planners together in Austin, Texas, on April 1-2, just before CNU XVI, in a workshop that proved illuminating for both fire marshals and CNU members alike. Based on that gathering's discussion, we're augmenting the section on emergency vehicles in the CNU/ITE manual, Context Sensitive Solutions in Designing Major Urban Thoroughfares for Walkable Communities. And an emergency response sub-group has been added to the preparations for CNU's Transportation Summit 2008, on Nov. 6-8 in Charlotte, N.C. CNU will host a series of small meetings, and at least one more big meeting, as this project progresses. The project will forge common ground between new urbanists and emergency responders to develop a set of alternative codes and ultimately a best practices design guide for incorporating emergency response in new urbanist communities. Under terms of the EPA grant, CNU is required to provide matching funds, which we will do through direct and in-kind contributions. Sub-contractors on this project will also donate time as part of the match. The grant proves CNU's efforts to improve the urban environment are recognized by federal agencies that have the power to affect those improvements. 3. Traditional Mixed-Use Neighborhoods Protect Home Buyers from Rising Gas Prices Choice of neighborhood can reduce household driving miles by 10,000 or more, saving hundreds of dollars per month What would you do with an extra $300 to $400 a month? Pay down your credit cards? Enjoy an evening out? Finally build that college fund for your children? Investment advisers say that if you conservatively invest $3,600 per year, you could grow that amount to $117,000 over the course of 18 years. After mortgages or rent, owning and driving vehicles is the second highest household expense, and people who live in a walkable neighborhood near shops and schools save thousands of dollars a year, a fact that makes the “drive ‘til you qualify” mindset as outdated as buying a gas-guzzling SUV. 4. A New Urbanist Look at Obama and McCain See our summary of their positions on issues near and dear to urbanists With the Democratic and Republican nominations now all but official, Senators Barack Obama and John McCain are engaging each other in general electioneering. They’ve sparred so far on the Iraq war, foreign policy and diplomacy, domestic spending, health care and who is best suited to sate the public’s overwhelming appetite for change. But where the Arizona Republican and Illinois Democrat stand regarding questions and concerns of new urbanists? We visited each campaign’s website and other news sites to find what information and position papers we could about energy and the environment, land use and sustainability, transportation, and urban policy. Summaries are presented below. 5. Submit Your Ideas for CNU 17 by August 15 The deadline is coming up to submit your input for next year's congress, CNU 17 in Denver, June 10-13, 2009. We'd like to hear your ideas! The theme of CNU 17 will be "Experiencing the New Urbanism: The Convenient Remedy." Denver has seen numerous new urbanist developments shaped by the CNU Charter and this congress will provide an opportunity to experience them first-hand. We are interested in any ideas that will challenge attendees to evaluate how the CNU Charter has shaped better neighborhoods and communities and provided convenient remedies to sprawl. We are especially interested in ideas addressing how to implement New Urbanism and the topic of emergency response and narrow streets. Check out CNU's current projects and initiatives, as many sessions will build upon existing CNU initiatives. Please submit your ideas by August 15 at 6. What's New @ Here's a sample of what's happening at
Donate Online -- CNU has revamped its online donation system to make it easier to donate to CNU and your local chapter online at If you haven't experienced yet, it's time for you to see what you're missing. Please take a moment to log into our site and learn about the features it has to offer. Please read our Login Instructions to get started. Visit to learn more about the website. 7. CSS Transportation Workshop: From the Margins to the Mainstream, July 24-25 in Denver The next installment of "From the Margins to the Mainstream" is a workshop to help participants understand what the principles referred to as "context sensitive solutions" (CSS) are, and how these principles can be used to balance and integrate the needs of travelers and communities in the planning and design of urban transportation systems. The workshop is directed at advocates, local officials and planning/design professionals in state DOTs, transit agencies, MPOs, and consultants. The workshop will feature leading transportation experts, land use planners, and state and local officials as speakers and panelists. A field trip is included to give participants an opportunity to assess the potential of transforming a major urban corridor or transit station area by applying CSS principles. The workshop will be held July 24-25th in Denver. Hosted by CNT and STPP. Full Details: 8. Third International CEU Congress, Sept. 14-16 in Oslo Following successful Congresses in Berlin 2005 and Leeds 2006, the Council
for European Urbanism (CEU) will hold its third international congress in Oslo,
Norway, Sept. 14-16, 2008. Learn the latest
from Europe and internationally on the rapidly-evolving topic of "Climate
Change and Urban Design." What is the latest research from Europe and
internationally? What are the policy consequences for urban development internationally?
What are the new tools available to reduce climate gas emissions from urban
settlements and transportation? What is in store for policy and practice? Pre-registration for conference by June 1: €220 ($340). After June 1: €250 ($390). Registration includes buffet lunches. Inquire about special discounts. For more information, go to, or email Audun Engh, Conference Coordinator, 9. Upcoming Courses from the Form-Based Codes Institute Save the date for the following Form-Based Code trainings. Visit the Form-Based Codes Institute website for more information and a full list of events. FBC 101: Introduction to Form-Based Coding Registrations are being taken on the FBCI website: 10. National Charrette Institute's Upcoming Trainings Visit the National Charrette Institute (NCI) website for details on upcoming trainings. Current CNU members receive a 10% discount on NCI registration fees for public trainings held in Portland. Please note that all NCI trainings in the United States will qualify for AICP credit hours. Portland, OR · July 14 -18 Harvard University Graduate School of Design · August 4 - 6 You have received this email as a member of CNU. To remove your email address from future CNU e-Updates, please reply to with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Congress for the New Urbanism |