CNU September 2008 e-Update
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Dear [Firstname], If you have questions about CNU activities, please contact our office at or 312-551-7300. To renew your membership or join a chapter, check your membership status, or read an archive of past e-Updates, please log on to You have received this email either because you are a member of CNU or you requested to be added to our email list. To remove your email address from future CNU e-Updates, please reply to with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. 1. Sustainable Communities 2008 in San Francisco this Week! It's not too late to register for Sustainable Communities 2008, which takes place this Fri., Sept. 26 in San Francisco. Register online by Thur., or you can register on-site. We've assembled an exciting lineup of speakers for you -- don't miss it! Join an extraordinary gathering of experts, practitioners, and leaders for a one-day symposium to explore the past, present, and future of Sustainable Communities and to honor Sim Van der Ryn with CNU's Athena Award. Plenary speakers include Paul Hawken, Stewart Brand, Peter Schwartz, Peter Calthorpe, and Sim Van Der Ryn. After morning sessions featuring these speakers and the lunchtime awards ceremony, the symposium's afternoon session will focus on current state and federal policies that can advance the sustainable communities agenda. NRDC advocacy director Ann Notthoff will share insights from shaping legislation to make land use and transportation an integral part of achieving California's climate change goals. Judy Corbett, executive director of the Local Government Commission, will review the challenges of implementing California's Global Warming Solutions Act (AB32). And Shelley Poticha, president of Reconnecting America and the Center for Transit-Oriented Development, will provide an overview of critical upcoming federal transportation legislation. The session will conclude with a panel discussion led by Jacky Grimshaw of the Center for Neighborhood Technology. Please join these and other speakers at the Westin St. Francis in San Francisco on Sept. 26, 2008, to reflect on past learning, present challenges, and future possibilities. Reserve your place at Sustainable Communities 2008 today. 2. Transportation Summit Focuses on Networks Charlotte discussions might affect pending federal transportation bill As high fuel costs force us to re-examine the wisdom of the "highways now, highways tomorrow, highways forever" ideology, CNU's Transportation Summit is a rare opportunity to work at the vanguard of a growing movement to redesign and renovate the American transportation network. The ultimate goal of the Summit -- from Nov. 6-8 in Charlotte, N.C. -- is to decide CNU’s position on transportation networks. But the ripples from this year’s Summit could have far-reaching effects because the federal government takes up its six-year transportation funding plan in 2009. "I met with Rep. Jim Oberstar, the House Transportation Chair, on Sept. 10, and he's interested in possibly incorporating urban road metrics in the new legislation," says John Norquist, CNU’s president and CEO. CNU is part of the T4America Coalition working to ensure that next year’s federal transportation bill takes the steps to link transportation and land use planning, smart growth and New Urbanism. "Transportation will be at the top of the agenda when the new Congress and the new administration convene in January. The Summit will have high-level discussions of what the next federal transportation bill needs to have to transform the American economy," Norquist says. 3. CNU Names Top 10 "Freeways Without Futures": Revived Neighborhoods and Waterfronts Ahead Seattle, Buffalo, New Orleans, Louisville, Washington DC may be next to stimulate billions in urban reinvestment by tearing down unneeded elevated highways slicing through their hearts The Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU), a leading national organization promoting walkable, neighborhood-based development as an alternative to sprawl, today announced its list of the top-10 cities where the opportunity is greatest for removing highways to make way for convenient boulevards and revitalized neighborhoods. The “Freeways Without Futures” list recognizes places where highways-to-boulevards transformations can help revitalize cities and save taxpayers billions of dollars in highway construction costs. Through its Highways to Boulevards Initiative with the Center for Neighborhood Technology, CNU has confirmed that successful highways-to-boulevards conversions reconnect neighborhoods, improve access to key resources such as waterfronts, and put underperforming land to use. Cities flourish when neighborhoods and streets are connected and when parks and shops – not highways – connect cities to their waterfronts. San Francisco, Portland, New York City and Milwaukee have all seen how the removal of freeways allows the rebirth of great city neighborhoods – with improved surface streets, better parks, renewed attention to pedestrian and transit amenities, plus an infusion of new private investment bringing housing, shops, restaurants and exciting cultural offerings. Traffic has redistributed efficiently in all cases. Now CNU is identifying 10 cities that have the greatest opportunity to repeat this success. 4. CNU Call for Academic Papers The Congress for the New Urbanism annually invites academic paper submissions for presentation at the Congress. Submissions are welcome on a range of issues and disciplines related to New Urbanism. Selection is based on the paper’s contribution to critical discussion and practice of New Urbanism and for synergies within sessions. Papers that incorporate the theme of the Congress, "Experiencing the New Urbanism: The Convenient Remedy," are especially welcomed. All papers are read and commented upon by at least two reviewers prior to presentation. Deadline: December 1, 2008 For full details, visit 5. A Brand-New LEED-ND One Step Closer to Your Neighborhood The LEED-ND Core Committee, a partnership between CNU, the US Green Building Council, and the Natural Resources Defense Council, has endorsed a new and improved version of the LEED-ND rating system that resolves many concerns that CNU members have had about the pilot version of the rating system. The new version of the rating system will debut as the first "official" version in 2009. So far, 12 of the LEED-ND pilot projects have successfully gained certification. To find out more about the pilot projects and LEED-ND in general, please visit 6. What's New @ Here's a sample of what's happening at
If you haven't experienced yet, it's time for you to see what you're missing. Please take a moment to log into our site and learn about the features it has to offer. Please read our Login Instructions to get started. Visit to learn more about the website. 7. Employer-Assisted Housing Conference in Chicago Oct. 6 Join national, state and local housing leaders; local and county government officials; business professionals; and Realtors® for the first national conference on Employer-Assisted Housing: Bring Workers Home. As the nation seeks solutions to housing issues in our country, employer-assisted housing (EAH) presents itself as a valuable tool to help employers retain productive, stable workforces and to revitalize neighborhoods. Join us for this one-day event to learn how you can be a part of the solution. Monday, October 6, 2008 8. 8th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth Conference: Building Safe, Healthy and Livable Communities, January 22-24, Albuquerque, NM The New Partners for Smart Growth Conference has grown significantly since it began several years ago -- increasing in scope, attendance, and prestige -- and is now considered to be the "premier" smart growth conference held each year. The strength of this conference comes from the variety of participants and speakers who cross disciplines to share experiences and insights, and valuable tools and strategies to encourage smart growth implementation and "get it done." The program will span three full days. There will be some pre-conference tours scheduled for Wednesday, January 21, but the main program will kick-off on Thursday morning, January 22 and continue through Saturday afternoon. The three-day schedule includes a dynamic mix of plenaries, breakouts, implementation workshops, specialized trainings, peer-to-peer learning opportunities, and coordinated networking activities. It will also feature exciting tours of local projects in the Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Taos areas, and many other interesting case studies from throughout the region. There will be something for everybody, from veteran experts to smart-growth novices, with over 100 sessions and workshops. Learn from hundreds of speakers who cross disciplines to share insights, valuable tools and strategies for making smart growth a success in your community. Visit to get more conference details and to register for the conference! 9. Upcoming Courses from the Form-Based Codes Institute Save the date for the following Form-Based Code trainings. Visit the Form-Based Codes Institute website for more information and a full list of events. FBC 101: Introduction to Form-Based Coding FBC 201: Preparing a Form-Based Code – Design Considerations Registrations are being taken on the FBCI website: 10. National Charrette Institute's Upcoming Trainings Visit the National Charrette Institute (NCI) website for details on upcoming trainings. Current CNU members receive a 10% discount on NCI registration fees for public trainings held in Portland. Please note that all NCI trainings in the United States will qualify for AICP credit hours. New NCI Charrette System™ Certificate Training To remove your email address from future CNU e-Updates, please reply to with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Congress for the New Urbanism |