Charlotte calling: Transportation Summit is your opportunity for trail blazing work
Davidson tour sold out, few seats left for light rail; don't be left behind!
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Come to the frontier of sustainable transportation: CNU’s Transportation Summit, Nov. 6-8, 2008, in Charlotte, N.C.
Register today for this year’s Summit, which focuses on sustainable transportation networks; it's an unparalleled opportunity to also affect federal transportation policy. The next president and Congress will take up a new six-year transportation funding plan in 2009, and Congressional transportation leaders are already expressing interest in using urban road metrics.
Leaders of New Urbanism and transportation innovation abound. You’ll hear from Andres Duany, of Duany Plater-Zyberk, who headlines the first day with a talk about sustainable transportation networks; John Norquist, CNU’s president and CEO, Jacky Grimshaw, of the Center for Neighborhood Technology, Geoff Anderson, president and CEO of Smart Growth America; Thomas Kronemeyer, a senior associate with CD+A, of Oakland, Calif., University of Connecticut Professor Norman Garrick, and the Summit’s host, Danny Pleasant, interim director of Charlotte’s Department of Transportation.
The Summit starts with a general introduction to the ongoing discussions about transportation networks, upcoming federal legislation, and an overview of Charlotte. Several concurrent afternoon tours offer firsthand looks at Charlotte neighborhoods and the city’s new “Lynx” light rail line, and at the nearby town of Davidson, N.C. (home of Davidson College and a municipal ordinance mandating street connectivity).
The Davidson tour is already sold out and only a few seats remain for the Lynx tour, so don't wait any longer. Register today.
Days two and three delve into detailed discussions, moderated by Jacky Grimshaw, of transportation networks. Working groups will discuss how networks are defined, implemented, measured and sustained, barriers to networks, and how networks relate to places and modes, transit, and emergency responders.
See the draft agenda here.
AIA and AICP Continuing Education Credits have been applied for, as have PDHs for engineers. More information will be available at the Summit. Please check the Transportation Summit page regularly for updates.