Let's Hear it for Wednesday
CNU is starting one day earlier this year. Get a jump on the conference that gives you a head start on the economic recovery.
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CNU 17 will be so good, we couldn't wait an extra day to get it started. Beginning on Wednesday June 10th, this year’s schedule will get a fast start, steering attendees through the current economic challenges and preparing them for a demographics-driven reurbanization of America that promises stronger communities, the unchaining of people from their cars, and a way of life rooted in vibrant satisfying places with contagious appeal.
The Congress will kick off early Wednesday with the first of a set of special CNU 17 Experiences, an innovation this year that gives attendees the opportunity to immerse themselves in a place and learn in-depth the strategies and qualities that give it an advantage in up and down markets. Attendees will have the opportunity to step into Highlands’ Gardens Village just outside Denver to view the successful implementation of mixed-use, mixed-income development on an infill site. Developers and local residents will be on hand to share their first-hand experiences with and insights about New Urbanism in their progressive village. Wednesday also includes tours of Denver’s future multimodal transportation hub at historic Union Station and Vail’s progressive walkable projects—from a $3 billion redevelopment in a European-inspired resort village to a 9.5-acre LEED-ND pilot project.
A stellar Wednesday night lineup will focus on New Urbanism as an important remedy for today’s economic troubles—one that grows in value as it brings convenience, transportation cost-savings, environmental and meaningful community connections to people's lives. Speakers include Victor Dover and Ray Gindroz, all multiple Charter Award winners. Visionary journalist Grady Clay, who predicted the emergence of New Urbanism in detail twenty years before its founding, will receive a CNU Athena Award for his work in advancing and promoting CNU’s principles.
Don't start the Congress a step behind. Plan to meet us in Denver Wednesday morning. Register now by visiting www.cnu17.org/registration.