CNU 17: In their own words
A Q&A session with five of CNU 17's speakers
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It’s something we’ve been telling you for months: you can’t afford to miss CNU 17. With more opportunities to explore the new urbanism than ever before, this year’s Congress is the hotbed of urbanist education and collaboration. But our speakers have their own reasons why you should attend, and they’re eager to tell you.
We recently sat down with five of this year’s nearly two hundred speakers and asked them about CNU 17 and new urbanism as a whole. Their answers are just as their sessions are certain to be: insightful and evocative. In the words of one speaker, it will have you wanting to say “Denver. 2009. I was there.”
Check out our exclusive Q&A sessions below, and don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in five action-packed days of new urbanism. Register Now.
Ray Gindroz
Steve Mouzon
June Williamson
Scott Polikov
Laura Hall