CNU 23DALLAS/FORT WORTH 4/29-5/2/2015»»» New Video Highlights CNU 18 Theme: “New Urbanism: Rx for Healthy Places”
Links between development patterns and health to be explored at Congress in Atlanta, May 19-22, 2010
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Organized with assistance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CNU 18’s New Urbanism: Rx for Healthy Places will present new research and innovative techniques for assessing the health impact of land use, transportation planning, and community design decisions-- from fine grained to mega-regional scales.
Atlanta was chosen as the 2010 Congress host city because it is considered an excellent backdrop and learning lab for the conference theme. "Despite its reputation for sprawl, Atlanta is fast becoming known for universities and research facilities doing ground-breaking work on retrofitting communities to make them healthier and more economically and environmentally sustainable," says CNU President and CEO John Norquist. "It also has a rich network of local organizations committed to making communities more healthy and livable. I can't think of a better place to bring together 1200 or more people around a conference with this theme."
Watch RX for Healthy Places, the CNU 18 Preview Video:
As a region wrestling with fast growth generating plenty of sprawl but also walkable, transit-oriented development, “Atlanta is on an upward trend and really is practicing a lot of the principles of New Urbanism," says Dr. Catherine Ross, Georgia Tech Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development, in the video.
The focus of the 2010 Congress reflects the growing recognition that decisions about our built environment — such as whether homes are within walking distance of schools and other amenities, how buildings are designed, how public and green space is integrated into communities, whether and where mass transit systems are built — can have significant health impacts. Healthy community design can reduce contributions to climate change, lower the risk of traffic injuries, improve air quality, build long-term value, increase affordability and sense of community, and promote physical activity. A call for session ideas for CNU 18, New Urbanism: Rx for Healthy Places, is open until August 14 at www.CNU18.org.
For more information, contact: Steve Filmanowicz, Congress for the New Urbanism, 312-551-7300 ext.12, Sfilmanowicz@cnu.org, or Charles Green, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 770-488-0626, clg8@cdc.gov.