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As real estate markets continue to struggle, the current economic crisis has exposed the fundamental financial flaws in the conventional suburban model. And New Urbanism continues to have a strong economic advantage over conventional sprawl. CNU 18 offers many opportunities to explore the economic viability and advantages of New Urbanism.
From high foreclosure rates and loss of equity to challenged municipal budgets, conventionally developed suburban areas have suffered most in the latest recession. Yet new urbanist communities create long-term, financially viable developments for their many stakeholders. Market demand allows developers to charge a premium for mixed-use, neighborhood-focused developments while reducing risk through a diversification of product types. And studies have shown that municipalities with denser, smart growth development lower both their short-term and long-term infrastructure spending .
Metro Atlanta has among the nation's highest rates of foreclosure and loss of property value, but it has many new urbanist developments that have escaped the worst hardships associated with sprawl and the current economy. With seminars led by enterprising developers and tours of these economically vibrant communities, CNU 18 and the Atlanta region showcase the economic advantages of New Urbanism.
Many Congress sessions will also focus on economic issues such as rethinking stalled suburban development , economic considerations for suburban retrofits , retail industry trends toward reliance on small retailers and strategies for creating thriving mixed-use centers in New Urbanist developments. Learn more about CNU 18 topics and sessions here .