Join CNU!Be a Part of the Movement»»» Book Compiled for CNU 18 Presents Atlanta as a Showcase for Great Neighborhoods and Urbanist Solutions
Submitted on 04/16/2010.
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A limited number of copies will be available for purchase at the congress. To make sure you get one, order now at Lulu.com. ($50/hardcopy or $10/PDF download).
Despite its caricature as the poster child for sprawl, metropolitan Atlanta is rich with livable historic neighborhoods, and a showcase for successful, problem-solving new urbanist developments. There are, in fact, enough of them to write a book about – which is just what CNU’s Atlanta chapter has done. Building Metropolitan Atlanta: Past, Present & Future is a comprehensive look at the region’s evolution, its current challenges, and the many recent and planned efforts to address them. For anyone attending CNU 18, it’s an essential reference and guide to this complex and fast-changing metropolis. Essays in the book’s opening Perspectives section address overarching themes such as Atlanta as a mega-region; calculating health impacts of a major infrastructure project; agricultural urbanism; lifelong communities; and reviving the center city. Perspectives authors include Dr. Howard Frumkin, special assistant to the CDC director for climate change and health; Catherine Ross, director of Georgia Tech’s Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development; Lawrence Frank, formerly at Georgia Tech and now holder of the Bombardier Chair in Sustainable Transportation Systems at the University of British Columbia; and Christopher Leinberger of the Brookings Institution. |
The book then goes on to profile several dozen historic and still (or once again) thriving towns and neighborhoods, and to describe more than 40 recent and planned Atlanta area projects that embody the principles of sustainability and new urbanism. You can read a selection of these right now: