Highways to Boulevards Webinar: Network-Based Solutions
Learn how well-connected networks of walkable streets serve communities better than highways
Submitted on 06/11/2014. Tags for this image:In the "highway era", guidance for street design emphasized free-flowing mobility for the automobile over the needs of the pedestrian, the cyclist, and other modes of transportation. This conventional thinking came at the expense of the quality of our environment and the commercial success of our cities.
We are now climbing out of this highway era into one where considerations of livability are upending conventional thinking. Transportation professionals, urban designers, and others are reconsidering the cumulative benefits of a well-balanced street network - the interplay between cars, transit, walking, biking, rail, and more. Hear how network-based principles can be effectively applied to Highways to Boulevards campaigns in our next webinar, Highways to Boulevards: Network-Bases Solutions.
Marcy McInelly is the Founder and Principal of Urbsworks, a Portland-based design firm, and is a respected Architect and Planner. She is co-chair of the CNU's Project for Transportation Reform. In 2012 she co-authored the CNU Sustainable Street Network Principles. Dr. Eric Dumbaugh is the Director of the School of Urban & Regional Planning at Florida Atlantic University and an Associate Professor. His research areas include street and community design, urban mobility, transportation systems planning, and the effects of transportation investments on sustainability and livability.
In this webinar, Marcy McInelly and Eric Dumbaugh discuss research on and opportunities for well-connected networks of livable/walkable streets and communities. The two also discuss their experiences crafting network-based solutions and their applicability to highway removal campaigns.
This webinar one in a series from CNU on building effective highway removal campaigns. You can expect a new webinar in our series each month. If you are interested in participating, send an email to communications@cnu.org. Attendance is limited to the first 100 people to sign up, so email us now to hold your spot.