Call for Papers: Equity & Transportation
Academic agenda for 2015 to focus on equitable transportation policy and innovation
Submitted on 11/12/2014. Tags for this image:The Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) is inviting academic paper submissions that address one of the major challenges of 21st century transportation planning: How to understand and respond to the needs of traditionally under-served populations.
The goal: To identify potential innovations in transportation planning and policy-making that lead to more equitable and affordable choices for the broadest range of users.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- Street Design
- User Metrics
- Transit-Oriented Development
- Transportation Finance and Pricing
- Health Impacts of Transportation Choices
- Shared Mobility (i.e. bike sharing and car sharing)
Papers will be peer reviewed by two professionals in the field. Selected authors will be asked to present their papers at the annual Congress for the New Urbanism in Dallas/Fort Worth on April 29 - May 2, 2015.
Papers will also be considered for a special issue on “Equity & Transportation” to be published by the Journal of Urbanism. Further length requirements and peer review will be conducted by the journal’s editors. Wesley Marshall, the Assistant Professor in Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Colorado Denver, will be heading the Call for Papers and will be the guest editor for the journal.
The deadline for submission will be January 15, 2015.
For more information on submission details and guidelines, please visit