Philadelphia, site of CNU XV, Brainstorming Exercise produced reams of ideas for improving the Philly waterfront.
Since the plan is being crafted with political realities in mind, it will include several "quick-hit projects" that can be completed in short order, said Praxis director Harris Steinberg. The next mayor could announce his first effort in November and have something to show the public by the spring.
The waterfront-design teams produced two scenarios for dealing with the highway divide. One involves building a platform over the Center City portions of I-95 and I-676, thus reclaiming more than 50 acres for development. The more modest alternative would narrow the width of the road cut by stacking Columbus Boulevard on top of I-95.
Penn Praxis will release its final master plan in October, just before the election. The candidates should make a note now in their BlackBerrys about attending the presentation.
Read the 3/09/07 Philadelphia Inquirer
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