Tempe, AZ Finding Success Through Downtown Development
In the shadows of sprawling Phoenix, Tempe, Arizona - an educational and job center - is embracing new urbanist principles in its downtown core. The city has completed, built, or planned a total of 35 projects within 8 square miles of the city center. Residents have embraced the ability to avoid automobile traffic by walking or biking to work. And large institutions such as US Airlines and Arizona State University provide a high density of jobs that is conducive to downtown living. Tempe's recent downtown development is coupled with a booming reinvestment in transit. While bus ridership has grown exponentially - 1.2 million riders in 1996 to 8.2 million riders in 2007 - Tempe will also benefit from the opening of the METRO light rail in December. Nine stations will be located within Tempe, connecting the city to surrounding Phoenix and Mesa.
Read more about Tempe development from a recent Arizona Republic article.
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