#CNU17 Numbers Matter for New Urbanism
Now is the time to quantify the advantages of New Urbanism. "Numbers matter," Peter Calthorpe told the CNU17 morning plenary on "The Green Dividend Friday.
Carol Coletta, head of CEOs for Cities, shared statistics that if the 51 biggest metro areas of the United States could each cut their average daily vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by one mile, it would add up to $166 billion in annual savings. "That used to sound like real money," she added, acknowledging that in the current financial climate that may not sound all that impressive. But it's still worth pursuing. "Is flowing traffic the mar of a successful city? Could walking be part of the American dream?"
CEOs for Cities is also connecting WalkScore data – which quantifies the walkability data for different locations – to real estate values. The numbers show that walkability improves real estate values. As bankers, government officials, and others who make important decisions about communities understand this, will they continue to approve auto-dependent building projects?
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