Can Urbanists Help Save Highway Engineering? Can Highway Engineers help Create Better Cities?
At the federal, state and local levels, there is increasing disagreement about the best way to spend our decreasing transportation dollars, and greater awareness of the negative impacts of poorly planned projects. As a result, highway engineers are concerned about their future, and confused by the way their profession is vilified by citizens and designers. Can New Urbanists help conventional highway engineers be more successful by introducing the importance of context, and adding new performance metrics for transportation decision-making? Can highway engineers find ways of moving cars to and through our communities while also enhancing property value and making places more pedestrian, bicycle and transit-friendly?
Join Jeffrey Tumlin, urbanist and transportation planner from Nelson\Nygaard, and John Horsley, Executive Director of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, in this discussion/debate/deathmatch on how urbanists and engineers can better work together for the good of our communities.
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