Sprawl Brawl
6/2/06 2:30pm-3:30pm
Robert Bruegmann's newly published book, Sprawl: A Compact History, is nothing short of an avid defense of every new urbanist's worst nightmare -- unplanned, socially dysfunctional, automobile-dependent development at the urban fringe. Fortunately, Anthony Flint, a longtime journalist for The Boston Globe, offers the latest anti-sprawl arguments in his new book, This Land: The Battle Over Sprawl and the Future of America. This session challenges new urbanists to think about how sprawl should be defined, why they are against it, and whether or not alternatives are being championed in a way that is logical and effective. In the spirit of objective discourse and the new urbanist propensity for open dialogue, we invite you to join us as we debate sprawl and consider how these new books can sharpen our focus.
Presentation by: Robert Bruegmann, Anthony Flint, Emily Talen
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A summary of the session written by a member of the CNU blog team is included in This Report