Urbanism at the Tipping Point: Perspectives from ULI and CNU
6/2/06 2006, 5:15pm-6:30pm
Marilyn Jordan Taylor will explore how ULI, the nation's largest developers’ organization, is responding to the expanding market for urbanism. ULI is deepening its understanding of ways to increase and leverage funds available for investments in infrastructure that builds neighborhoods and strengthens the potential of our cities.
Marilyn Jordan Taylor will be followed by Andrés Duany, co-founder of CNU, who will discuss the future of the movement, "New Urbanism at the tipping point." The Gulf Coast charrettes were special events in the history of the New Urbanism. Even our critics called CNU "the go-to organization" for rebuilding. Everywhere books and publications, whether explicitly or not, take the new urbanist position. At the same time, the opposition has never been more targeted and brutal. Is this a sign of being at the tipping point? And if so, what is next for the CNU?
Presented by: Marianne Cusato, Andrés Duany, Marilyn Jordan Taylor, Jeff Speck
This presentation includes:
Slideshow by Marilyn Jordan Taylor
Slideshow Plenary