The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Dispatches from the Front Lines
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARR Act) represents an unprecedented level of investment in our Nation’s Infrastructure. Many who work in “traditional” infrastructure have expressed concern that areas such as transportation and water did not receive enough funding compared to need. Others who have worked in previously “non-traditional” infrastructure areas such as power and energy including renewable energy and energy efficiency, science & research activities including pure science and medical research, and communications & information technology have been pleased at the funding, focus and attention the ARR Act has placed on them after many years out in the cold. The ARR Act clearly signals a new day in federal spending priorities. Has there been a shift away from investments in traditional infrastructure to the new world of the infrastructure of sustainability, science and interconnectedness?
- David Cobb, HDR Inc.
- Jeannie Renné-Malone, HDR
- Patrick McCrory, Mayor, City of Charlotte
- Sunia Zaterman, Executive Director, Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
- David Vozzolo, Vice President, HDR Engineering, Inc.
Slideshow by Jeannie Renné-Malone: