CNU 23DALLAS/FORT WORTH 4/29-5/2/2015»»» F is for Fantastic: New Directions in Transportation Level of Service
Submitted by logannash on Tue, 07/14/2009 - 11:14am
As cities work to bring about a new generation of healthy urban places, the importance of streets as major forces shaping the urban environment is leading to development of new tools for evaluating transportation network performance. This session will provide an overview of emerging “Level of Service” practices around the country, including work underway in California to refine the way this issue is addressed in environmental documents.
- Jim Charlier, President, Charlier Associates, Inc.
- Mark Jackson, Transportation Group Director, City of Fort Collins, Coloado
- Ronald Milam, Principal, Fehr and Peers
Slideshow by Jim Charlier:
Slideshow by Mark Jackson:
Slideshow by Ronald Milam: