Join CNU!Be a Part of the Movement»»» Integrating Transit into Urbanism: Key Ingredients for Success
Submitted by logannash on Thu, 07/16/2009 - 4:54pm
Do standards for transit and TOD risk losing the unique character of places? Or can we use these standards to guarantee performance? Explore the ingredients that have been critical in creating successful and high-performing places around transit, and how developers can better integrate transit into existing neighborhoods. Hear about best practice efforts to address standards for transit and lessons learned in Charlotte, Toronto, Washington, and Portland.
- GB Arrington, Principal Practice Leader, Vice President, PB PlaceMaking
- Sam Zimbabwe, Technical Assistance Director, Reconnecting America
- Troy P. Russ, Principal, Glatting Jackson, Kercher, Anglin, Inc.
- Trent Lethco, Associate Principal, Arup
- Ellen Greenberg, AICP, Principal, Greenberg Consulting
Slideshow by GB Arrington: