Join CNU!Be a Part of the Movement»»» Prospects for Pedestrian-Oriented Retail in the New Economic Reality
Submitted by logannash on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 3:26pm
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At a time when walkable retail formats were beginning to flourish, the global economic crisis has left retailers scrambling to adapt to changing market conditions. Examine the future of walk-to retail spots for pedestrians, and how current practices make it necessary for such to survive.
- Stuart Sirota, Principal, TND Planning Group
- Lee Sobel, Real Estate Development and Finance Analyst, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Seth Harry , AIA, President, Seth Harry & Associates, Inc.
- Glenn Kellogg, Glenn Kellogg, principal, urban advisors ltd. , UrbanAdvisors Ltd
Slideshow by Stuart Siroda:
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