Revitalizing Claiborne Avenue: Tools and Opportunities for Residents on February 20
Free and open to the public. RSVP by clicking here.
Peter Park, former planning director for Denver and Milwaukee, will discuss the social and economic ramifications of a possible Claiborne Overpass removal. Park will reflect on the lessons learned from other freeway removal projects and will point to key elements that enhanced affordability and livability in those scenarios. Park will specifically address how new development may affect the corridor’s neighborhoods, from the first day of construction to the last day of the removal's completion. The lecture will conclude with tangible suggestions that can help deepen the community’s engagement in the second round of public meetings for the Livable Claiborne Communities study. Speakers include:
- Ryan Albright, Greater New Orleans Foundation
- Peter Park, Harvard University Loeb Fellow
- Flozell Daniels, Foundation for Louisiana
Join us on Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at 6:30 PM for a brief reception in the Leah Green Room followed by a 7:00 PM lecture and discussion. The event will be held at The Sojourner Truth Neighborhood Center, located at 2200 Lafitte Street.
Free and open to the public. RSVP by clicking here.
This event is organized by the Congress for the New Urbanism with the Claiborne Corridor Improvement Coalition. Thanks to The Greater New Orleans Foundation and The Ford Foundation for their support.
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