Top Teardown Survey
Contribute to CNU's list of top highway to boulevard opportunities
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Is there an aging highway running near your downtown that disrupts the street grid and keeps property values down? Given the "success" of America's twentieth century highway-building era, your city probably has one of these roads. Often along waterfronts, the highways cut huge swaths across our cities, decimating neighborhoods and reducing quality of life for city residents.
Cities all around the world are replacing urban highways with surface streets, saving billions of dollars on transportation infrastructure and revitalizing adjacent land with walkable, compact development. Learn more about our Highways-to-Boulevards Initiative and the current battles residents are taking on in Seattle and Buffalo.
Do you see potential for your city's highway to be replaced with a surface street and a connected street grid? Please fill out the Top Teardown Survey to tell us about the highway and the surrounding area.
The Congress for the New Urbanism and the Center for Neighborhood Technology are pulling together a national list of highways that are excellent candidates for the teardown model. With your input, this list will identify opportunities to offer less expensive, urban alternatives to the reconstruction of urban expressways.
Transportation models that support connected street grids, allow for more investment in transit, and revitalize urbanism will make reducing our greenhouse gas emissions that much more convenient -- particularly as the U.S. evaluates its federal transportation and climate policy.