Join CNU!Be a Part of the Movement»»» Focus on Sustainable Urbanism
Submitted by kapoppel on Tue, 06/19/2012 - 4:18pm
Focus on Sustainable Urbanism will take place in Chicago August 6-15, 2012. The event will be put on by Farr Associates and the Foresight Design Initiative to educate graduate students and professionals about sustainable infrastructure, livable community design, smart growth, and the public realm. Doug Farr will lead studio projects, field visits, lectures, and readings. This opportunity will go beyond the basic 'green building' understanding of sustainable urbanism and explore the concept more in depth. CNU's principles will be examined simutaneously, as sustainable urbanism is prominent in the principles.
For more information or to apply, visit forsightfoucs.org.
Applications are due July 9, 2012 as space is available.
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