Florida Regional Planning
During the Florida CNU, a lengthy discussion was started on the issues that we face with regional planning in Florida. The regional planning process in Florida is very complicated, and many times the vision is never developed beyond policy. Regional Planning Councils around the State are working hard to develop plans, private developers are creating plans, and local municipalities are creating visions for their growth. All of these plans includes visions and policies that over lap city and county boundaries. Many of these policies are never illustrated, and the vision is left to the imagination of the next planning session. Amazingly enough, when a plan is drawn, these plans are rarely placed on a State wide map with adjoining regional and city plans, or compared to regional transportation or water management needs.
Our two day session left more questions then answers. There is a need to identify the road blocks that are preventing the success and organization of the current process. This blog is my starting point to organize both the current regional planning efforts in the state of Florida. This blog is also my call for a forum to discuss the road blocks to implementing the regional plans across the state.
Write your comments in the box below and share on your Facebook!
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Glass half-empty or half-full
As you say, Florida does have an abundance of worthwhile plans and visions, such as the Charter-Award winning plan for fast-growing areas of Hillsborhough County. But like a lot of states, it lacks a structure for coordinating them and taking policies through to implementation. The idea for a statewide map that shows where plans focus and overlap is a good one -- and it sounds like an achievable one in this day of electronic mapping.
Peter Calthorpe (with John Fregonese) has had more experience and success with regional planning than anyone and he'll be delivering a plenary address at CNU XV in Philadelphia. The Calthorpe-led regional framework for Southern California has communities talking about trading develoment rights and the Calthorpe-Fregonese comprehensive plan for the City of Dallas (over 300 square miles) has been adopted by the city council and makes the development of compact, mixed-use neighborhoods the standard for the city.