CNU 23DALLAS/FORT WORTH 4/29-5/2/2015»»» Blog
Dude, where are my cars?
Submitted by Ryan Forst on Mon, 12/10/2012 - 5:36pmPacific Northwest sustainability think tank Sightline Institute’s Programs Director and blogger Clark Williams-Derry evaluated 2010 Census data and Total Vehicle Miles (TVM) data to show his region’s car usage is leveling off despite the traffic engineer led push for increased highway capacity. ... read more »
CITY SPOTLIGHT: Cincinnati and the Streetcar: Part II
Submitted by kapoppel on Thu, 08/30/2012 - 2:22pmThis post is part of a new series on the CNU Salons, CITY SPOTLIGHT. City Spotlight shines a light on the latest news, developments and initiatives occurring in cities and towns where CNU members live and work.
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Do you Digg CNU?
Submitted by MattBerggren on Thu, 08/26/2010 - 12:08pmDigg, the popular news website, has just completed a redesign that promises to change the way we get our news. In the past users would submit news articles to Digg and other users would be able to vote on those articles if they liked them.
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Anthony Flint on Massachusetts' "Fix-It-First" Infrastructure Policy
Submitted by Joe Menard on Tue, 08/07/2007 - 10:27amAnthony Flint, of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, has an interesting < a href="http://anthonyflint.net/blog/">blog worth checking out. He is a former writer for the Boston Globe and author of the book "This Land: The Battle Over Sprawl and the Future of America." In light of the Minnea... read more »